Location Update!

Location Update!

The build-out process is underway! The following outlines the steps we will be taking towards our grand opening day. We have begun the predesign phase and schematic design of the build-out.

  1. Predesign

  2. Schematic Design

  3. Design Development

  4. Construction Drawings

  5. Construction Documents

  6. Permits and Final Construction Team

  7. Construction Oversight and Management

  8. Walk-Through

Here is the layout of one of the rooms that we will be introducing at our grand opening. Create pizza art with fresh ingredients, wings, pasta & more in the Howdy! Room. Experience Build a Pizza and plan fun for any celebration! Special pricing for students, teachers, schools, day cares, and all children learning facilities. Packages will also be available with more details to come!

Until our next update! Click here to check out our new menu in the meantime.

The Howdy Room Predesign

The Howdy! Room

Location Update!

Location Update!

New Location Update

New Location Update